Veond App

Amazing Vegan, Cruelty-free and Sustainable deals and experiences

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Vegan App in UK

The daily ‘go-to’ app to access, book and save on amazing Vegan, cruelty-free and sustainable deals and experiences. The Veond App is now available in the UK Apple store.

We are the generation that will see the end of animal exploitation. We will make accessible the ordinary shopping for vegan goods, food and services to everyone, everywhere.

  • Only ethical & plant-based deals 🌱
  • Find the most conscious local & European brands
  • Save payments through site and app

flor oliveira



Having worked in the finance sector for over 7 years’ her great passion has always been cooking, nutrition and animal welfare. Committed in finding ways to spread the “plant-love” (either by developing recipes for her food blog, or by promoting vegan events) she has decided to create Veond – an app that will give vegans (and vegans to be) the chance of finding unique and unforgettable 100% cruelty-free deals on experiences worldwide.


alex santosCO-FOUNDER

With 20 years’ experience in Creative Direction, Branding and Marketing, Alex worked for several small, medium and already unicorn startups. In the past he worked for small design agencies producing work for Apple and Lloyds TSB. He’s a true believer in design as a way to solve business, society and environmental issues.

Are you the investor we’re looking for?


We’re seeking investment so Veond can become the mainstream app for existing and wanna be Vegans. We’re looking for someone that clearly understands the challenges ahead but also realises the immense impact Veond will have in the society and the World in a very near future.

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