Vegan Launch

Inclusive vegan investment community

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Vegan Investment Community

About Vegan Launch

Vegan Launch is a new kind of enterprise: a for-profit financial organizing community designed to invest $1 trillion into the animal rights, ecological, and plant-based health economies by 2025.

let’s work together to grow the vegan economy!

At Vegan Launch, investors of any capacity can work with vegan founders and financial organizers to design, launch, and grow inspiring vegan businesses.

With today’s investment minimums of as little as $100, everyone can play an important role in creating a vibrant vegan economy!

The vegan economy is growing at an exponential rate.
Increasing demand for plant-based products, natural environmental solutions, and vegan lifestyle medicine is fueling innovation.
Thousands of vegan startups are creating a steady supply of products and services to serve this demand.
$30 trillion of ethical capital is now actively looking for promising startups in vegan lifestyle, ecology, and plant-based wellness.
The Vegan Launch community platform provides a modern online workspace to incubate, fund, launch, and grow startups that can protect animal rights, human health, and the environment at scale.
We have identified trillions of dollars of investment opportunities to transform exploitive industries and build a peace-based economy. But we need your involvement to make this economic transformation a reality.

The Vegan Launch community platform helps activist-minded investors of any economic status work together with vegan business founders to ramp up the vegan economy using inclusive, modern public venture capital approaches.

Our online community provides members with a unique setting for investors of any financial capacity and nationality to work closely with vegan business founders to solve today’s most pressing challenges which, as vegans understand, have common roots in animal exploitation.

Please watch the explainer video below to learn exactly how Vegan Launch works.

Today, most vegan, environmental, and social progress is constrained by the underlying financially-limiting design of all non-profit organizations and governments. These financial platforms and cultural influence frameworks are not capable of organizing sufficient amounts of ethical capital to resolve today’s mega-challenges.

Yet there is no ethical capital shortage!

Pie chart

Circle chart

The charts below show that environmental and vegan investors hold $30 trillion of investment capital. Non-accredited vegan investors alone hold $1 trillion of that total.

By fusing activism with modern “public venture capital” style financing, the Vegan Launch community is helping reinvest this vast amount of ethical capital into the thousands of businesses working today to build a new economy benefitting animals, people, and the planet.

The vegan companies we launch and grow today will be the ethical economic leaders of tomorrow.

Mark Winstein, Founder

Vegan Launch founder Mark Winstein

Throughout my career, I have studied and personally developed new ways to integrate ecology and economy.

I became a dedicated environmentalist after the first Earth Day in 1970, started my first environmental business in 1983, and by 1990, became co-director of a national environmental group in Washington, DC.

After 10 years of grassroots environmental politics, I turned my focus to “public venture capital” as an ideal financial platform for engaging society in creating ecological and socially beneficial economies at a rate and scale appropriate for today’s mega-challenges.

Back in 2001, creating public investment vehicles of any meaningful size required millions of dollars of upfront operating capital. Making progress on my dream was a continuous struggle against conventional wisdom and archaic finance laws. But the decade of intense effort prepared me for what was to come…

By 2012, the US enacted new public venture capital laws which greatly expanded the general public’s ability to fund early-stage ethical businesses. On May 16, 2016, the most flexible new policy, Regulation Crowdfunding, went into effect. I went vegan on September 1 that same year.

Between going vegan and seeing the huge opportunities now possible with the modernization of US and international finance laws, I found new personal vitality and created a new action plan for launching and growing the kinds purpose-driven businesses I’ve envisioned my whole life.

Since 2018, Vegan Launch has been following this action plan step by step. We provided our first $100k of funding to a plant based milk company in 2019, and since then have helped vegan business founders raise over $650k in early-stage investment capital.

With our new community platform, Vegan Launch is poised for rapid growth to help thousands of vegan founders receive the investment capital they need to scale their businesses and serve the blossoming new vegan economy.

The video above lays out my plan for the Vegan Launch community to lead the repurposing $1 trillion of public investment capital by 2025 to create a world where everyone prospers by prioritizing the wellbeing of animals, ecosystems, and people.

