Anna Bobak

Psychotherapist & Clinical Supervisor

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Vegan Online Psychotherapist in Scotland

Are you experiencing difficulty living the life you’d like to live?

I can offer you a calm, focused space to work through your issues and untangle your thoughts. I will carefully listen to your story and assist you to achieve the changes you want to make in your life.

Have you previously experienced a “one size fits all” approach to counselling?

I’m a Pluralistic therapist which means I tailor my approach to fit uniquely with your needs.

I am very open and accepting of all lifestyles and choices. I have experience of working with a wide range of people from all kinds of backgrounds, belief systems and cultures.

Although I regularly work with anxiety, stress, depression, relationship issues, life transitions, bereavement, loss, communication issues, and many, many other areas, I have 4 areas of special interest:

1. Neurodiversity (ADHD, as well as Autism)

2. Vegan Trauma

3. Birth Trauma

4. 2nd Generation Issues

See below for more details:

1. Neurodiversity

As neurodivergent individuals we are constantly navigating a world where all the rules and structures have been established by neurotypicals. This can make everyday life exhausting.

My role is to help you walk through this world; uncovering which elements of your neurodivergence are dominating your life and then help you find strategies to support you.

We will also explore other areas of your life which might affect your neurodivergent traits. For example, what triggers your rejection sensitivity? What heightens your emotional disregulation?

Whatever your experience with neurodiversity, your experience will be unique and I will take the time to help you uncover not only the challenges you face but the strengths your ND traits can offer you too.

*** My Story: When my son was diagnosed with ADHD in 2020 I took a course with CAMHS for parents with children with ADHD and, following on from that, I then did further CPD, as well as my own research which helped me understand how to compassionately and empathically support my son with the challenges he faced. Somewhere along this journey I began to realise that I too had experienced much of what I was learning about. I now consider myself a self-diagnosed AuDHDer and am patiently awaiting an NHS diagnosis. ***

2. Vegan Trauma

There are unique traumas that arise from being vegan. These might be a sense of being detached from a world that not only tolerates but normalises cruelty to animals, having to navigate relationships with people who can’t understand our compassion for animals, and also to be continually exposed to the vicarious trauma of animal suffering in food, clothing and product choices of everyone we surround ourselves with. This trauma can be both chronic and complex. I can work with you to build resilience and to direct your energy in ways that are therapeutically helpful to you.

*** My Story: Vegan since January 1st 2018, I’m a gentle activist, winning folk over with gentle reasoning and great plant based recipes ***

3. Birth Trauma

I have always held a special interest in pregnancy, labour and birth experiences. Following my own positive (home) birth experiences, I have been drawn to support women to have agency, to experience autonomy and to feel empowered during their pregnancy, labour and birth.

Therapeutic support: We can look at your hopes and expectations. I can support your exploration of pregnancy, labour and birth options and we can work together to create a birth plan. We can work on previous birth experiences and any experiences that still need to be processed or any fears you may currently hold.

Postpartum Support: In sessions, following birth, we can take time to process your birthing experience and I can give you the space to “debrief”. We can work through your experience in a way that feels safe for you. We can also look at any issues you may be experiencing related to attachment, bonding, sleep and feeding.

Birthing Trauma and Baby Loss: Whereas we are always hopeful for a positive outcome, sadly not all pregnancy and birth experiences end the way we wish. I can be there to support you through this too.

*** My story: I have experienced two positive home births (but not without challenge), either side of miscarriage. I have supported and advocated for women in labour as a birth partner ***

4. 2nd Generation Issues

As a 2nd generation Ukrainian, I hold an understanding of the strange mix of feeling both special and different in society. Although I was born in Scotland to a Ukrainian father and Scottish mother, I experienced a unique, and at times confusing, combination of language, religious, and cultural mix. If your experience has been similar, you might welcome working with someone like me.

About Me –

I work with individuals experiencing communication issues, stress, anxiety, depression, identity issues, bereavement, loss, problems with self-esteem and self-confidence, relationship difficulties, and family-related issues. I’ve also worked extensively with neurodiversity and hold a special interest in working with ADHDers (please see separate section on how I work with ADD/ADHD).

I am trained in Pluralism, which is based on the assumption that no one therapeutic approach has the monopoly on understanding the causes of distress or on the most helpful therapeutic response.

Instead, it suggests that different clients are likely to want, and benefit from, different things in therapy. Therefore, I am open to respecting understandings and practices from across the counselling and psychotherapy spectrum.

Given this emphasis on tailoring therapy to the individual client, a pluralistic approach also emphasises collaboration, shared decision making, negotiation and meta-communication (talking to you about the process of therapy itself) including what you want from it and how you would like to try and get there.

I hold unconditional positive regard for all of my clients.

I am an LGBTQIA+ ally

I am vegan and a vegan ally, holding awareness of specific vegan traumas

My qualifications include:

  • 2019: MSc Counselling (with distinction)
  • 2018: Couples Counselling CPD Training
  • 2018: PGDip Pluralistic Counselling
  • 2017: Child Counselling – accredited by the International Association of NLP and Coaching
  • 2016: Certificate in Counselling Skills
  • 2012: TQFE, Dundee University
  • 2002: PGDip in Language and Communication Research, Cardiff University
  • 2001: MA Honours Linguistics, University of Edinburgh

Professional Body Membership:

I am a Counsellor Member of COSCA (Counselling and Psychotherapy in Scotland). Membership No. 3614.


I am fully insured with Balens Insurance UK.


If you need to make a complaint, please contact my professional body, COSCA here:


Counselling Contract between you (the client) and Anna Bobak trading as Fife Counselling

This is a mutual agreement negotiated between the Counsellor (Anna Bobak) and the Client prior to the commencement of counselling. It sets out the responsibilities of the Counsellor towards you, and your responsibilities in the counselling relationship.


This is a very important aspect of the counselling relationship. Everything we discuss in our sessions together is confidential except:

1. If I am required to break confidentiality by a court of law;

2. Where, in my opinion, there may be harm to yourself or to others; and

3. For the purposes of supervision*

*Supervision sessions allow me to gain support and guidance in my work and also to check that I am working ethically and competently. I am required to have regular supervision and to discuss my work with my supervisor. I never disclose anything that would enable you to be identified.

I keep brief notes of sessions which are anonymised. Your data is securely stored in accordance with GDPR 2018.


Sessions last for 60 minutes, and normally occur weekly or fortnightly at the same time and day.

I am also willing to offer shorter check-in sessions on an ad-hoc basis in times of crisis or when there is a need to address a particular issue.

Duration of Counselling:

The duration of counselling varies from person to person. I will work with you for as long as you need.


I am mindful of endings and am constantly working towards creating a collaborative and mutually agreed ending.

