Atlas vegan community school


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Atlas vegan community school is the first vegan pratice school in Uganda.

Established by Luv4all:Uganda an vegan humanitarian organization which empowering human and Non human creatures in Uganda.

Atlas vegan community school is naturing young children with education based on veganism and animal advocacy, love and compassion . Our school started last year with 200 students . Our main goal is to ensure that in 2040 the new generation will be vegan /animal advocacy through education. Our school offer free education to vulnerable children in the community of kassanda district Uganda ,East Africa.

We teach our students organic farming which lead to plant based food and all our students feed plant based as our daily meals at school.

Musisi Mike is founder Luv4all:Uganda and Atlas vegan community.

Have been vegan for 6years, social activist for both human and Non human .

I grew up in challenging life by then I didnt know that also animals need to be cared for but after the time I joined the move to veganism life i learnt alot and focused me to start organistion to push the activism.

Our organisation and school located in Rwamagabo village, kalwana sub county and kassanda district, Uganda.