Marquis Beverages

Bubbles with benefits

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Sugar Free Caffeine Drink

Our Story

Our story was inspired in between a boardroom and a night club. For years, chemicals from conventional energy drinks were wreaking havoc on our minds and bodies. Coffee in the morning, energy drink after lunch, and vodka-energy cocktail at night, that was our routine. A change was needed, but we were hooked. We needed a healthy beverage with a responsible amount of caffeine that actually tasted great (both on its own and in a cocktail). This is where we ran into a problem… there was no drink on the market that met all three of our needs.

Anything that tasted good had sugar, and anything that didn’t have sugar tasted awful. We were tired of searching, but our hands were tied. A clean label with healthy ingredients wasn’t enough, the drink still had to have great taste. So, instead of waiting for someone to solve our problem, we did it ourselves. After years of research and development, Marquis was born. 10 years later, the solution to our problem has now become our passion.

What is Marquis?

Our unique blend of Yerba Mate, Green Coffee, & Green Tea provides a balanced lift that helps you win each day, without the ups and downs of most caffeinated drinks. So, say goodbye to crashing and hello to the perfect morning pick-up, pre-workout boost, or elevated cocktail mixer.


The real question is why not. Just because you need a little lift doesn’t mean you should have to sacrifice your health. What more could you ask for?

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What is Marquis’ unique blend of caffeine made of?

Marquis caffeine blend is naturally derived from three plant-based ingredients: Yerba Mate, Green Coffee, and Green Tea.

How much caffeine is in Marquis?

Each can of Marquis contains 100 milligrams of plant-based organic caffeine.

If Marquis is sugar free, then how is it sweet?

Stevia, which is a plant that doesn’t contain calories. We use a very high quality strain of stevia extract called Rebiana A 98%.

Is there alcohol in Marquis?

No, that’s for you to add.

Why are there carbs listed on the nutrition label in Marquis, but you say it’s carb free?

May be an image of cosmetics and drink

The carbs provided by the erythritol are not absorbed by the body; therefore, Marquis is zero net carbs.

What is Erythritol?

Erythritol is a natural sweetener commonly used with Stevia. It is made from USDA Organic, Non-GMO corn. (er-rith-re-tal) is a naturally occurring sugar alcohol, produced commercially by fermentation of a carbohydrate substrate. Our erythritol is certified USDA Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified, Calorie-Free, and registers Zero on the Glycemic Index.

What is Reverse Osmosis?

This water purification method uses a semipermeable membrane which filters out contaminants and other harmful compounds such as lead, arsenic and nitrates.

Does Marquis have vitamins?

Yes, Marquis contains your daily dose of Vitamin C and 4 types of B vitamins.

Where do the antioxidants in Marquis come from?

Marquis is packed with antioxidants that all come from our one-of-a-kind blend of Yerba Mate, Green Coffee, and Green Tea.

Is Marquis certified USDA Organic?

Yes, and nothing can change our mind.

Is Marquis safe for vegans and vegetarians?

Yes, Marquis is certified vegan and vegetarian!
