Forks Over Knives

A film that can save your life

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Documentary Film advocates whole food Vegan Diet

The feature film Forks Over Knives examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods.

About Forks Over Knives


Forks Over Knives empowers people to live healthier lives by changing the way the world understands nutrition. As science has shown, chronic conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes can be prevented, halted, and often reversed by making one change that requires no prescription and is accessible to all: leaving animal-based and highly refined foods off the plate and adopting a whole-food, plant-based diet instead.

That message was the driving force behind our 2011 documentary film, Forks Over Knives, which essentially launched a food-as-medicine revolution, establishing it as one of the most influential documentaries of our time. The film set out to demonstrate how a diet based on fruits, vegetables, tubers, whole grains, and legumes makes all the difference when it comes to good health. To date, millions of people have watched the film, which received rave reviews from medical experts and entertainment critics alike.

For those people who were inspired by the film, we released the how-to companion book, Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health, that same year. One year later, we published Forks Over Knives—The Cookbook. Both became instant New York Times bestsellers, spending a combined total of 89 weeks on the bestseller list. A third book, The Forks Over Knives Plan, a transition guide to the life-saving, whole-food, plant-based diet, also became an instant New York Times bestseller. And in 2016, we introduced Forks Over Knives Family, a parents’ guide to raising healthy, happy kids that includes more than 125 family-friendly recipes.

An Evolving Multimedia Brand

Catering to everyone from the plant-based aficionado to the foodie looking for tasty, healthy recipes, the Forks Over Knives brand has continued to evolve. It now serves as a leading hub for health information, with an array of tools for the plant-based lifestyle. The Forks Over Knives website features delicious  recipes, articles by leading experts, and scores of real-life success stories. We also post compelling content on our social media pages, where members of our community trade ideas, inspiration, and encouragement. Forks Over Knives magazine is published twice a year and available for sale on newsstands in the U.S. and Canada and at major U.S. retailers including Walmart, Kroger, Target, and Barnes & Noble.

We’ve made accessing recipes easy with our top-ranked mobile recipe app that puts hundreds of hearty recipes at the fingertips of iPhone and Android users. We also created the Forks Meal Planner, an online service that offers weekly personalized meal plans. Designed for people on the move, most Meal Planner recipes take less than 35 minutes to prepare and can easily be customized to any family’s needs. And for those interested in honing their plant-based cooking skills, we offer a three-month online cooking course led by two renowned chefs and educators.

In 2016, Forks Over Knives introduced a line of food products that started with oil-free, vegan salad dressings and now includes meal-maker grain kits that create healthy, satisfying one-pot meals—you just add the fresh vegetables.

Our Philosophy

Good nutrition is the basis for healthy living, and the key element is simple: whole plant foods. These foods best meet the nutritional needs of the human body. They have the power not only to heal but also to help sustain a healthy and vibrant life. On the flip side, the standard American diet, which is high in animal-based and highly processed foods, makes people sick and overweight.

For proof, we point to the throngs of people who have adopted the Forks Over Knives way of eating. Their success stories are a testament to the benefits of a plant-based diet.

At Forks Over Knives, we want to help more people eat this way so that they, too, will experience true wellness. Our goal is to provide motivation, practical guidance, and a support system to profoundly improve people’s lives. By sharing the science, inspirational stories, and delicious recipes, we’re turning healthy conversations into powerful transformations.

In sum, we believe…

  • That nature knows exactly what our bodies need.
  • In science and in the undeniable evidence behind the benefits of whole-food, plant-based nutrition.
  • In sharing stories to celebrate personal transformations and achievements.
  • That our bodies have the power to ward off or reverse chronic disease when nourished with whole plant foods.
  • That natural, healthy food should be delicious and satisfying.
  • That a plant-based diet is more humane and requires fewer natural resources.
  • That a healthy community can be a powerful, positive influence on the world.

Release date: 6 Mai 2011

Also Known As (AKA)

Czech Republic (festival title) Radeji vidlicky nez noze
Germany Gabel statt Skalpell – Gesünder leben ohne Fleisch
France La santé dans l’assiette
Hungary Villák a kések felett
Serbia Musketari ishrane
Russia Вилки вместо ножей

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