Paul White

Specializing in Somatic and Mind-Body Medicine

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Holistic Vegan Therapist

At Holistic Vegan Therapy, you are invited to join this sanctuary for those seeking a more fulfilling and authentic life; where we prioritize the mental well-being of individuals who are dedicated to living a vegan lifestyle. We understand that being a vegan can bring up unique challenges, such as anxiety, depression, Vystopia, trauma from witnessing animal cruelty, and the pressure of being an animal rights activist. These experiences can take a toll on your mental health and make you feel like you don’t fit in with the rest of society. At HVT, we reject this notion and believe that you are inherently whole, and deserving of respect and appreciation just as you are.

At HVT, we believe that being a vegan is not just a lifestyle choice but a valid and important part of who you are; we understand the complex intersection of your beliefs and emotions. Your ideas and beliefs are just as valid and worthy of exploration and acceptance as anyone else’s; even as family, friends, and society look down on and dismiss you, you continue to fight for your truth and the rights of animals.

Here we offer holistic and mind-body therapy techniques to help you heal your mind and body while managing the impact of judgment, stress, and sadness on your mental well-being. Our focus is on helping you develop greater self-awareness and acceptance so that you can live a life that is true to who you are.

Our approach includes thoughtful reflection through poetry and creative writing, thought-stopping techniques, deeply relaxing hypnotherapy, and the ancient art of qigong to reclaim control over your thoughts, emotions, and body. By practicing these techniques, you will be able to redirect your attention away from what others say about you and focus on what you can do to improve your situation and appreciate who you truly are.

It’s important to find a safe and supportive space to process these experiences. At Holistic Vegan Therapy, we believe that you are whole and worthy of respect and appreciation. Let us help you maintain your mental well-being and continue to fight for the causes you care about. With HVT, you’ll have a safe and supportive space to explore your thoughts and feelings and to find the peace and fulfillment you deserve. In so doing, you may very well find a group of individuals who sing the song of your heart.

My Origin Story

As I sat down for dinner, my gaze shifted from my bowl of chicken curry to my cat, who was indulging in a serving of shredded chicken. A wave of unease washed over me as I wondered, “How could I justify eating this chicken or any other sentient animal, but not my own beloved pets?” It was then that my doubts about my consumption of animal products began to surface.


Despite my reservations, I had deliberately avoided watching any documentaries or videos about slaughterhouses, but I knew I couldn’t ignore them any longer. I made a promise to myself to confront the harsh realities of the meat industry head-on. That’s when I worked up the courage to watch the documentary “Earthlings,” which would become a turning point in my journey into veganism.

As a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I have spent over eight years working with individuals struggling with a range of mental health disorders. My career path has taken me from working at a Suicide Prevention Teen Hotline to the U.S. Army to teaching English to middle and high school students; these made up the core of my experiences which led me to ultimately establish my own private practice.

In my therapy practice, I employ a diverse range of techniques and modalities, such as hypnosis, poetry therapy, somatic psychology, and qigong, to facilitate deep healing and transformation. My extensive education in Mind-Body Medicine from Saybrook University allows me to integrate this approach into my work and foster a safe, supportive environment for my clients.

With my training and experience, I am committed to helping my clients navigate through grief, trauma, anxiety, and relationship challenges. By combining my knowledge and passion for creative non-fiction writing and poetry, I can offer a unique perspective and approach to mental health treatment that goes beyond traditional methods.

Mind and Body Integration

Understanding the connection between mind and body and using that information to influence health is very important to me. I have been informally studying various aspects of mind and body health from the time I began practicing Tai Chi and Qigong 17 years ago. My study became formal once I stepped into the Ph.D. program for Mind-Body Medicine through Saybrook University over six years ago; it is there that I learned how to use the connection as a means to support mental and physical health.

My approach is based on my study of mind-body medicine, integrative mental health, and wellness at the doctoral level. I facilitate deep exploration, healing, and transformation while teaching gentle yet powerful grounding techniques in a casual, relaxed atmosphere where you are honored and respected for simply being you.
I specialize in integrative mind-body psychotherapy, hypnosis, mindfulness meditation, somatic psychology, qigong, and therapy for adolescents and young adults struggling with grief, trauma, anxiety, relationship challenges, academic & career issues, and existential crises. My approach is grounded in respect and inspires the desire for change.

Vegan Mental Health Therapy

Mind-body Therapy Techniques

Benefits of Vegan Mental Health Therapy

According to an article in Psychology Today, studies have shown a connection between veganism and increased depression. The exact reasons are theorized. But the connection cannot be denied, statistically. When it comes to veganism, sometimes talking to someone who is on the same path can help as we navigate a world where most people do not see the issue with the same mindset. Here at Holistic Vegan Therapy, we offer vegan mental health therapy and mind-body therapy techniques to help you heal your mind and body while managing the impact of judgment, stress, and sadness on your mental well-being.

​People who choose to fully cut out animal products do so for reasons that vary from ethics, health, and environmental. Many choose this way of life for a variety of reasons and promptings. If you are a vegan and find the way of life isolating, have anxiety concerning your food, are dealing with depression, or just want support in general concerning your diet or any other aspect of life contact us today to schedule your first appointment. Your vegan mental health therapy session can be done in office or through secure online sessions.

​At Holistic Vegan Therapy, we take an integrative approach, combining mind-body therapy techniques, hypnosis, poetry therapy, somatic psychology, qigong, and more to help clients with grief, trauma, anxiety, and relationship challenges. Sessions may focus on how you are integrating the way of eating into your life, your inner dialog daily, how you communicate with non-vegans during meals, and support for your goals. When it comes to vegan mental health therapy, you may be surprised at how much talking to a supportive professional helps when it comes to achieving your physical, mental, and spiritual goals.

Online Hypnotherapy Individual Therapy Online

Learn More About Online Hypnotherapy at Holistic Vegan Therapy

The human brain is more powerful than most people understand. Even those who study the brain for a living are surprised sometimes by new evidence for the power of the mind when it comes to healing physically and emotionally. Sometimes the brain can get in the way of itself. This is where online hypnotherapy comes in. Studies have shown that online hypnotherapy is just as effective as hypnotherapy face to face. Some people feel even more relaxed when they are doing their session from the comfort of their own home, or office, which can only add to a positive experience while you work towards healing.

​Hypnotherapy is a simple process that helps patients put all their focus and brainpower on the moment. It does not require that the patient give up any control to the therapist. There are many misconceptions about hypnotherapy but the science backs this method of treatment as highly effective for helping with issues such as addiction, PTSD, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and more. Hypnotherapy can help people reach the place they need to be to start to heal. A place that they may not fully understand, but can conceptualize things in their life with more clarity after “being under” hypnosis with a trained hypnotherapist.

Here at Holistic Vegan Therapy, we offer individual therapy online sessions, combining mind-body medicine, hypnosis, poetry therapy, somatic psychology, qigong, and more to help clients with grief, trauma, anxiety, and relationship challenges. Call today to schedule your appointment or to learn more about our individual therapy online sessions. Start your path towards healing by contacting us today.

Online Holistic Vegan Counseling

Get Help with Online Holistic Vegan Counseling

Mental health is an important component of physical and mental well-being, and vegans can often experience mental health issues related to their lifestyle. Veganism involves making conscious choices about what one eats and puts into their body, which can lead to feelings of guilt or inadequacy if the vegan cannot meet their own standards. Vegans may also feel isolated from family members and friends who don’t share the same values, adding to feelings of depression or anxiety. Fortunately, there are online vegan counseling services available that specialize in helping vegans cope with mental health struggles.

​Online vegan counseling typically includes strategies for managing emotions around food choices as well as techniques for dealing with stress, loneliness, and other mental health issues. Counselors work together with their clients to identify mental health triggers and create positive coping strategies. Through counseling, vegans can develop healthier mental habits and build resilience against mental health struggles. Additionally, a counselor can provide support to face difficult family or social situations related to veganism with confidence.

​Online vegan counseling is a powerful tool for helping vegans manage mental health issues without judgment or prejudice. With the help of a qualified mental health professional, vegans can work through mental health struggles and find peace in their lifestyle choices. Vegan counseling can be an invaluable resource for anyone who needs emotional support as they navigate life as a vegan.

Here at Holistic Vegan Therapy, we offer online holistic vegan counseling to help you heal your mind and body while managing the impact of judgment, stress, and sadness on your mental well-being. With our online holistic vegan counseling, you’ll have a safe and supportive space to explore your thoughts and feelings and to find the peace and fulfillment you deserve.​​

You are warmly welcomed to acomplimentary 20-minute consultation through secure video conferencing. Please, contact me with any further questions!

