
Sustainable Hummus and Veggie Bites made from wonky veg

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Hummus & Veggie Bites


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ChicP is a sustainable brand producing nutritious Veggie Bites and delicious healthy hummus made from surplus vegetables.

Founded on a passionate commitment to reduce food waste and eating healthier, sustainable food.

40% of British crops are rejected because of their shape or size.

1/3 of the food we produce in the UK is never eaten.

600,000 tonnes of food are wasted in restaurants per year.

300,000 tonnes of food wasted by supermarkets per year.

The adult population adds a staggering 7 million tonnes on the top of that.

The list goes on…

ChicP was created to counter act against this waste taking the opportunity to have a positive impact on the community, our natural resources shaping our health habits for the better.



Founded by Hannah McCollum, ChicP was set up to bring healthy, colourful dips to the food market. A hummus lover, tired of bland and unhealthy options, Hannah decided to combine her creative cooking and eagerness to help prevent food waste, into healthy, punchy vegetable hummus from surplus vegetables.

Over the last 12 years, Hannah has cooked for families in the UK and all over Europe, predominantly as a private chef. She would often convert the leftover Ottolenghi type salads into dips for the next meal. Nearly every day the question would be “what’s the dip of the day Hannah”?!

The inspiration behind ChicP was the overriding determination and passion to change the way we approach cooking and food waste.


The hummus is made primarily from raw vegetables, one of the healthiest food options available.

Our hummus is not just for eating as a dip but fantastic with any meal, as an accompaniment or sauce; add to chicken, veggies, pasta or as a spread. The list is endless… just be creative!

The hummus is gluten, dairy, nut and pesticide free.

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The only allergen is sesame seeds.

Our chilli pumpkin is also free from Garlic!

As the old saying goes – “waste not want not…!”

The Veggie Bites are a vegan and healthier alternative to falafel, in 3 flavours packed with vitamins and antioxidants!

They are the perfect ‘on the go’ snack, as they are so soft and tasty. Perfect dipped in our hummus, topped on a salad or rolled up in a flatbread with hummus and salad..the list is endless!

The only allergen is gluten (Sweet Potato Bites are gluten free!)

