Jessica Grace

Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy and Counselling

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Vegan Therapist in England

Hello, I’m Jessica.

I live in Tyneside and I offer psychotherapy and counselling for adults. I can offer in-person appointments from my counselling room in Newcastle upon Tyne city centre, and I also offer online appointments.

​I am a qualified psychotherapist and psychotherapeutic counsellor, accredited by the UK Council for Psychotherapy. I trained at the Northern Guild in Newcastle upon Tyne.

What is therapy for?

Life can be challenging in all sorts of ways, and sometimes it’s a struggle to cope. People come to therapy for a lot of different reasons.

​Often there’s something in our lives that we’re having difficulty dealing with. This might be a specific event or experience – such as a bereavement, the ending of a relationship, work stress, a traumatic experience or regretting past choices. There might be difficulties you’ve been living with for a long time, and which never really seem to go away. That could include anxiety, panic, compulsive behaviours, depression, anger, low self-esteem, trouble with relationships, or something else that’s causing you problems.

​It can seem impossible to know which way to turn at times, and you may feel hopeless about overcoming whatever you’re facing. Many people find it useful to have a space to share and work through their difficulties, and that’s what I’m here for. ​

How I can help

I offer a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space where you can talk about and explore what’s bothering you. I will listen, and work with you to find a way through it. I won’t tell you what to do, but I will give you the space to find a solution that’s right for you and work towards it.

I believe understanding yourself and your inner world is the first step towards taking control of your life, healing from painful experiences, and ultimately feeling better. I am experienced in helping clients improve their self-awareness and find the resources they need to deal with and overcome their problems. My approach aims to help clients find ways to cope in the short term, while also tackling the root causes of their difficulties for a better outcome in the long term.

Because everyone who comes to therapy is different, I work in an integrative way. That means I tailor my approach to you as an individual and bring in a wide range of counselling theories and approaches. I work both short-term and long-term with clients, and at a pace that is right for you.

​I find it particularly rewarding to work with clients experiencing self-esteem and self-worth issues. This can include feeling generally ‘not good enough’, extreme self-criticism, social anxiety, self-loathing and feelings of failure, worthlessness and shame. Over my years of practice I have found my approach is often very effective in helping such clients find ways to value and accept themselves.

​If you feel we would be a good fit or you would like to find out more, please do get in touch.

In-Person or Online Therapy

I can offer in-person appointments from my counselling room in Newcastle city centre. I am also able to offer online sessions, by Zoom.

What therapy approach do you use?

I am a humanistic, integrative psychotherapist and counsellor. I work on the basis that each individual has the potential to grow or change in the ways they want to, and I integrate different theories and models to help clients achieve this.

The core model I trained in is transactional analysis (TA), and this forms the basis of my approach, but I also use other therapy models to help me tailor my work to the needs of each client. This might include elements of psychodynamic psychotherapy, gestalt therapy, cognitive behavioural approaches, existential counselling, and relational psychotherapy.

Do you specialise in a particular area?

I work with a wide range of problems and difficulties and I do not limit my work to one specific area. Over time, I have found that my approach is often very effective for clients experiencing self-esteem issues, including low self-worth, extreme self-criticism, and feelings of shame and failure. I find it hugely rewarding to help such clients find ways to accept, value and like themselves.

