
Everyday essentials that will last for years

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Sustainable Vegan Menswear


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Uncompromised offers wardrobe essentials that look and feel exactly like those from other quality brands – but that are fundamentally different. They’re different because they promise to be 100% animal and plastic free.

We make this promise because fashion is the second most polluting industry in the world, both because it promotes disposable, fast-fashion and because of the harmful materials – especially animal fabrics and plastics – it uses. But it really doesn’t have to be.

Most of us care about the environment and are trying to make more sustainable choices. But when it comes to what we wear, the fashion industry makes it difficult to know what’s sustainable and what isn’t because there are so many ambiguous, complicated and often misleading claims being made by the very same brands that helped to cause the problem in the first place.

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That’s where Uncompromised comes in. We offer well made, seasonless essentials. Clothes you’ll wear hundreds rather than a handful of times. And all of them come with a clear and simple promise – to be 100% animal and plastic free. In reality we go even further – only using organic crops and sustainably accredited materials, and – naturally – planting a tree for every purchase. We can’t yet replace every garment made from animal and plastic products. But we’re working on it and we’re sure we’ll get there.

Uncompromised is there for men who want to make a choice not a compromise. Who want to wear clothes that look great without them being compromised by harmful materials.


