World of Vegan

Vegan Food & Lifestyle Website With Plant-Based Meal Plans, E-Books, & Cooking Classes

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World of Vegan is on a mission to make kind living easy and fun by serving up rigorously tested and perfected recipes, inspirational artwork and videos, thought-provoking articles, and helpful vegan living guides.

World of Vegan also hosts The Plant-Powered People Podcast to support people along their vegan journey, provides low-cost Plant-Based on a Budget meal plans, offers cooking classes, and more.

Many of our resources are free to access, including:

…and so much more.

You can also explore our online vegan shop to see a collection of fantastic vegan books and resources.

World of Vegan was founded by longtime vegan and animal advocate Michelle Cehn, who went vegetarian at the age of 8 and has been vegan for more than 15 years.
