Little Soap Company

Little Soap, Big Heart

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Vegan Soaps

About Us

Our origins and base are in the picturesque North Cotswold Hills. But our heart lies in the natural beauty and outstanding quality of our products.

At Little Soap Company, the only place you will find us little is in the name.

We’re far from little when it comes to passion. There’s no holding us back when it comes to new ideas. We’re simply bursting at the seams with vision and ambition. And our journey from ‘Little’? It’s been exciting, it’s been incredible, it’s been BIG.

It all started with a big vision…

by Emma Heathcote-James, Little Soap Company owner and founder.

“What does ‘soap’ mean to you? To me, soap takes me back to memories of my Gran, who travelled extensively by boat and seemed to accumulate soaps wherever she went. Back then, soap was a bath-time staple, usually filled with natural goodness. But at some stage, soaps ran out of favour, something I discovered when I combed the supermarket shelves to find some!

The lack of availability of soap, and growth of synthetic and environmentally harmful products in plastic bottles, seemed at odds with global trends. People wanted to be more environmentally friendly and to move away from harsh products and pollutants. I thought… surely if I’m looking for organic and natural soap, then so are others! And this is where it started.

First, as a little business, dreaming and planning at the kitchen table, selling locally and small-scale. But never letting go of my big vision, we developed the brand and range of products, we gained interest from retailers, and we enjoyed love and loyalty from a growing number of customers. We never stand still. Our product range continues to expand as we push boundaries and explore new possibilities.

We produced natural soap. So next we thought, let’s go further and make a truly eco range! Our products worked beautifully for skin. Let’s make them work for hair! We’re loved by people. Now let’s be loved by their pets! This is our attitude, and the reason for our success.

So what does soap mean to me?

It’s a symbol of nature, of cleanliness. But it’s also a revival and celebration of a product we’ve made relevant to the demands of the modern world, to protect our skin and the environment. Who would have thought it? The humble little soap. No longer little. But making a big impact, and with every intention of getting even bigger and better.”

From Farmer’s Markets to Supermarkets, from innovation to awards

When our handmade natural and organic soap bars started gaining popularity at local farmer’s markets, it was clear the products were valued and loved. But this was not enough for founder Emma, who had set her sights on making natural soaps accessible to everyone. The only way to achieve this was to scale up and get her products into UK retailers. And that’s exactly what she did.

At the same time as diversifying the range to provide consumer choice on products, fragrances and skin types, Emma relentlessly promoted the virtues and benefits of Little Soap Company natural soaps.

The result? British made, cruelty-free, vegan and RSPO sustainable soap available at affordable prices in all the main Grocers (Waitrose, Booths, Sainsbury, Tesco, Asda, Morrisons), chemists (Boots, Superdrug and Lloyds Pharmacy) plus online retailers including Ocado, Fetch and Amazon.

And in further recognition of the innovation and passion underlying her success, Emma has enjoyed accolades and industry awards including ‘Top 50 Most Ambitious Business Leaders’, ‘Scale Up Business”, “Best Rural Retail Business” and ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’.

Becoming a B Corp

Being part of the B Corp family means the world to us. It means we’re part of a group of businesses who put the wellbeing of the world, before profit.

Being certified as a B Corporation is a big moment for us, as every part of the business has been assessed to make sure we are doing our best for the planet, our people, and you. But ultimately, we couldn’t be where we are without you! We just wanted to say thank you once again for your continued support. We’re reaching so many more people in the high street thanks to our amazing customers who make a green, healthy, conscious decision to choose our soaps.

Although more businesses are making the conscious decision to improve their social and environmental standing, the term B Corporation still seems to be unknown to the majority of consumers. Read on to find out more…

So what does being a B Corporation actually mean?

Now we’re a B Corp, we’re part of a global group of like-minded businesses that meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. We’re now officially members of a collective of businesses that are trying to build a more inclusive and sustainable economy and together, we can be a force for good.

As B Corporations, we believe:

That we must be the change we seek in the world.

That all business ought to be conducted as if people and place mattered.

That, through their products, practices, and profits, businesses should aspire to do no harm and benefit all.

To do so requires that we act with the understanding that we are each dependent upon another and thus responsible for each other and future generations.

1. Governance
We value our people & the planet over profit.

We rigidly believe the business of a business is to improve the world. Since 2008, Emma our founder has been on a mission to bring the bar soap back and rid bathrooms from unnecessary synthetics and plastic bottles. We now have four key brands, all encompassing the same ethos, so you can have a clean conscience as they wash.

2. Workers
Ensuring diversity, inclusivity & flexibility in the workplace.

We believe things always work better when we work together. So, we put as much energy into building good relationships with each other, our suppliers, and the local community, as we do our soaps and our customers. We love what we do and we have fun doing it.

3. Customers
Making sure that when you buy one of our soaps you are given the best customer experience possible.

Free from detergents, SLS, sulphates, alcohol, parabens, sorbates, silicones & synthetic preservatives; our all-natural skincare products gently work in harmony with your skin, making them perfect for all skin types and ages.

4. Community
Bringing joy to our community, both local & further afield.

Very early on in creating Little Soap Company, Emma realised this wasn’t just a soap making business but also an opportunity to educate on the wider issues surrounding it. The environmental issues of palm oil and deforestation are close to her heart, as well as a passion for British small business and manufacturing.

5. Environment
Making sure that our products & processes have as little impact on the environment as possible.

We’re passionate about making sure that every ingredient that goes into our bars and the materials we use in our packaging is sustainably sourced. That’s why we’re passionate supporters for the use of Sustainable Palm Oil, we’re members of the Vegan Society, and our products are certified Leaping Bunny Cruelty Free.
