Heidi Gruss, LPC

We’ll do it together

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How Do You Get It All Done, Everyday?

This is a question I’m often asked by my coaching clients. So many feel overwhelmed and scattered in their day to day lives. I am an entrepreneur, a Mom to three daughters, and a wife. It’s a lot of loves to answer to and requires me daily to own my day—set intentions, remember my purpose, and prioritize and re-prioritize on the fly as life throws all it has at me. My full life also requires me to prioritize my own health and well being.

I leverage my extensive academic, professional, and practical background to help you identify the beliefs and habits that are holding you back from your greatness and to address them so you can pursue your dreams with clarity and courage.

As a new business owner, scared to do the wrong thing, I learned to leverage what I knew to be true as a clinical therapist—Trust the Relationship and This Too Shall Pass. I bring those lessons into my coaching practice. I emphasize strong, comfortable, effective relationships with my clients and help you ride the waves as they come. I am a personal development coach, psychotherapist, and entrepreneur.

I hold a Masters Degree in Mental Health Counseling and leverage my academic background and practical work as a therapist to provide guidance, support, and results for my coaching clients.

Elevating your mindset starts with the RIGHT daily, intentional action…
But let’s be honest – you already know that.

The problem is, you aren’t doing what you KNOW needs to be done… even though you want to reach the next level of success in your business and life.

As a licensed psychotherapist and certified coach with decades of experience, I’ve come across this scenario more times that I can count – entrepreneurs reach an impressive level of success, and then they want MORE –

  • More ease
  • More flow
  • More flexibility
  • More impact

That’s why I created the Elevate Your Mindset Workbook.

This workbook is the ambitious entrepreneur’s guide to elevate their mindset, routine, and lifestyle so they can feel in control and lead from their place of brilliance, without overworking or letting things slip through the cracks.

And best of all, it’s free.

When you’re emotionally secure and mentally strong, you really can achieve anything you set your mind and heart to. We will tackle what holds you back so you can step into your power and claim the life you deserve.

Group Coaching

Work with me in a small group of supportive, inspired people ready to transform their lives.

Private Coaching

Work with me one on one to dig deep and set and achieve your dreams.


Here are a few complimentary resources to help set you on the path to realizing your dreams.

The Blog

I tackle relevant topics to bring you the tips and encouragement you need to move toward your goals.

Private Facebook Group

Find support and guidance in our She Shines Private Facebook group. Be in community with other inspired, driven women just like you.

Breakthrough Call

Join me one on one for a 30-minute live Blind Spot Breakthrough Call where we’ll discuss three things holding you back right now.


You Can. You Will. You Must.

Let’s get at the daily beliefs and behaviors that are holding you back and conquer
them so you can step into the fullness of the life that’s meant for you.

The Next Transformation Elevation Starts Soon.

A 12-week live group coaching series designed to provide you with the support and tools you need to step into your brilliance—and stay there. Tailored for the successful entrepreneur who’s wanting more from their life and their business.
