Cindy Gordon

Heal Change Grow

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Vegan Therapist in Colorado

Are you feeling stuck, down or overwhelmed with concerns or problems that you can’t seem to shake? Perhaps you just don’t feel good about yourself– a tape recorder in your head keeps telling you that you’re not as good as other people or that you “fake” your achievements. Perhaps you’ve lost someone and you just have a big hole in your heart. Maybe you fall into a deep funk about the state of the environment (called eco-anxiety or climate grief) and feel hopeless or grief-stricken. Maybe you have experienced trauma in your life and feel that you can’t quite release its grip.

You may be new to the idea of therapy, or you may have a long history of seeing therapists and want to try something different, something that would be in addition to the verbal psychotherapy that you’re used to.

Many people have come to me saying that they’ve been in therapy before, some say they are tired of talking about the same old things….but still want to move forward toward resolving what’s going on for them. And they’ve decided, ‘why not give art therapy a try?’

People who have experienced trauma deal with shame, painful memories, and often feel misunderstood and alone. Starting to address those feelings with an understanding therapist can be a first step towards healing and becoming whole, rather than cutting off those difficult emotions.

Are you ready to improve your quality of life?

I offer a free initial consultation; it gives us a chance to learn more about each other and gives you a better understanding of how art therapy can help in your healing.

Contact me today

Trauma Therapy

Are You Struggling with Trauma and its Aftermath?

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There are many different types of trauma, and each individual’s response to trauma is unique. There is no universal recipe to feel more like yourself again, but feeling much, much, better is indeed possible.

The different types of traumas are summed up here:

Acute trauma/PTSD: a single event (assault, accident, natural disaster, sudden unexpected loss)

Chronic Trauma: Repeated trauma over a period of time (civil war, domestic violence)

Complex trauma: Continuous, interpersonal trauma beginning in childhood perpetrated by caregivers

Trauma, then, can be an assault, a natural disaster, an accident or a sudden death of someone close to you. Or you may have seen something that shook you to your core. Trauma is an experience that overwhelms you, and oftentimes, knocks you off your feet, at least for a while. Trauma therapy can help you get back up again.

Animal-Assisted Psychotherapy

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Are you open to trying something new in your healing journey? Animal-assisted therapy may be for you!
Are you having trouble coping with anxiety, depression, or grief and loss? Have you suffered a traumatic event in the past that you feel has changed you? Is it hard for you to meet new people, be in a crowd, or feel secure in your surroundings? Perhaps you just feel “off” or uncomfortable in your own skin, or you have a persistent and mean inner critic? Or maybe it seems like no matter how hard you try, life just has other ideas for you.

Despite our best efforts, sometimes life becomes so overwhelming and hectic that we fail to recognize the importance of taking care of ourselves. For instance, some people may find that work and other responsibilities make it hard to focus on personal growth, self-care, and other crucial areas of life. It could be that painful experiences from past relationships make it difficult to pursue new connections and branch out with the same trust you once had.

Or it may be that the recent departure of a beloved pet and the companionship that you relied upon make life feel like it’s missing an integral piece. Regardless of who you are, sometimes we all face challenges that deserve to be treated with compassion and support. Fortunately, animal-assisted therapy (AAT) can provide you with a space where you can express yourself openly, explore unresolved issues, and start your path towards.

Art Therapy

Do You Experience Anxiety, Depression, Or Other Issues That Haven’t Improved With Traditional Therapy?

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Does trying to explain your problems through talking feel difficult? Or, do you feel “talked out” about certain topics? Maybe communicating emotions doesn’t come easily to you, and you often feel like you’re stuck.

It’s possible there are certain emotions and problems you’ve been trained not to talk about. Perhaps you want to discuss these issues, but every time you try, it feels like something gets stuck in your throat. Or maybe talking about these problems leads to feelings of panic or fear of being judged, and so you don’t say all the things you need to say.

Perhaps there are simply issues that you are experiencing that don’t have an obvious cause. It could be that you feel anxious or stressed, but nothing in your daily life seems to be causing the issue. Or you may feel frustrated and seek stress relief, but have no idea how to proceed.

Maybe the issue simply seems too large or overwhelming to dive into. If you have experienced something traumatic, you might be reluctant to speak about the issues because you fear having to deal with the painful emotions and experiences all over again. Dealing with trauma through talking, we now know, will likely be of little help because of the way the brain processes trauma.

Additionally, when we engage in conversation, our normal, human defenses are automatically deployed. This is normal! Finding other ways to express yourself can actually get to different emotions and insights than you would otherwise be able to access through talking alone.

Regardless of the reason for your feeling stuck, you are likely feeling tired and frustrated with the entire situation. You know there has to be a way to manage these issues, but traditional talk therapy hasn’t been working for you.


