Stephanie Leon

Helping humans feel more connected

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Vegan Therapist in Denver

Welcome. I’m so glad you’re here.

Finding a therapist is hard work. Finding one who gets you is even harder. You’re unsure that anyone will be able to understand how you’re feeling. In fact, you don’t even understand yourself half the time! Trusting a stranger to spill your guts to is like taking a huge leap of faith. Rest assured, it’s my personal mission to make sure you feel seen, understood, and welcome when you work with me. Check out my specialties below. These are the areas that I absolutely love helping people (like you!) work on and heal from. Let’s see if we’re a good fit.

Here’s what you’ll get when you work with me:

I can’t promise you any magic cures, but I can promise that I will care deeply about your happiness and healing. As time goes on, you’ll notice that the day-to-day feels more manageable. You’ll pick up little tools and make small changes along the way, and one day you’ll notice that all these small changes led to something bigger. You’ll feel more you than you ever have. The pain you carried from the past will start to feel lighter. You’ll feel empowered to ask for what you need in your relationships and at ease knowing that there’s someone in your corner when times get tough.

Can you relate?

You’ve been feeling lost lately, stuck in the motions of everyday life. You’re tired of repeating the same patterns and yielding the same results. You wake up most days feeling depressed and your anxiety keeps you up at night. You show up to work tired and unmotivated, only to go home to rinse and repeat.

Let’s be real. Life is overwhelming and you have 1,000,000 and one things to do. You don’t ask for help though because everyone needs you. “No” is not a word in your vocabulary, so your to-do list just keeps piling on. You know you can’t keep going on like this forever, but how can you stop? You just want people to like you, and the thought of making someone unhappy is like nails on a chalkboard. Ekkk.

You struggle to understand yourself, and it seems like others struggle to understand you too. You’ve been told you’re “too sensitive”. You feel things deeply, are highly emotional, and experience life in a way that you sometimes feel like others can’t relate to. You’re extremely empathetic, aware of your surroundings, and the needs of others; sometimes to a detriment.

You had a tough childhood. The people who were in charge of caring for you let you down in some way. What you’ve been through still haunts you today. That pesky skeleton-in-the-closet just won’t leave you alone. You wish it weren’t true, but it’s affected how you relate to people today. You can’t seem to shake off the events of the past, but you need to keep going.

You know something needs to change. This isn’t how you want to keep living your life. Whatever the reason that brought you here today, I’m glad you stopped by. You don’t have to do this alone. I’m here to help you get through this.

You can do this.

Picture this: You’re in control of your emotions. Yeah, the hard stuff still affects you…you’re human. But you’re no longer drained by everything around you.

You’ve processed and healed from the trauma of your past. Heck, you even feel like there’s a thing or two you can take away from it all.

What’s more? You now know your boundaries, and are a pro at communicating them! No more saying yes because “no” isn’t a word in your vocabulary.

You finally feel like the best version of you! Yeah. it’s always existed within you, but now you can see (and feel) it too.

By working with me, you’ll examine the events of the past and how they have contributed to your situation today. You’ll learn more about yourself (and all the ways you’re awesome, too). And you’ll start prioritizing yourself because you know you deserve it!

I’m a Denver, Colorado based therapist (and human) that offers both in-person and virtual counseling services to individuals. I am so ready to meet you.

Let’s do this

