Jenny Weinar

I help people reconnect to their true selves

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Vegan Therapist in Pennsylvania


I founded Home Body Therapy with the belief that everyone is deserving of support and care, and that by working to heal ourselves, we heal the world, too.

If you’ve found your way here, you might be feeling disconnected from yourself somehow. You’ve tried lots of things to feel better – talk therapy, traditional medications, maybe even mindfulness and other self-care practices – but nothing’s really helped. Or, you’ve felt some improvement, but you can’t shake the feeling that there is more within you to explore and understand.

Maybe you’re someone who “has it all together” on the outside, but internally you feel deeply uncertain about your purpose or direction in life, or you’re struggling in your relationships. Perhaps you’ve started exploring non-ordinary states of consciousness, but are struggling to connect the dots and enact change in your daily life.

We all possess a drive towards inner harmony. Sometimes it just takes some support to access that internal compass and find our way back home to ourselves. And, believe it or not, if you’re here contemplating taking this next step, your journey home to yourself has already begun.


How I Can Help

Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy

We all carry stories about ourselves and the world around us. Some of these stories help us organize information and function in our lives, but others unconsciously limit us and weigh us down. Under the right conditions, psychedelics can support profound transformation by helping to suspend these narratives and access the innate healing intelligence that lives within all of us.

We combine the use of ketamine with psychotherapy (including sessions with and without the medicine) to support you in reclaiming the fragmented parts of yourself and integrating these into a new understanding of your whole, true self. Because psychedelics promote the growth of new neural connections, you may find throughout treatment that it’s easier to break long-standing patterns that don’t serve you and establish new behaviors or ways of relating to yourself, others, and the world around you.

Psychedelic Assisted Therapy isn’t a quick fix, a silver bullet, or a cure-all. It is an invitation to deep self-inquiry which in turn may allow for deeper levels of healing. Furthermore, like any intervention, responses and results vary between people depending on a number of variables. Multiple sessions are indicated because it can often take several experiences with the medicine to find your right dosage and for you to learn how to work with this powerful tool.

Psychedelic Integration Therapy

Home Body Therapy offers Psychedelic Integration Therapy virtually to residents of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Colorado.

Psychedelic integration refers to the process of integrating the wisdom and insights gleaned from non-ordinary states of consciousness into daily life. In Psychedelic Integration Therapy, this process unfolds within the context of a therapeutic relationship, supported by a licensed mental health care provider.


Hi! I’m Jenny Weinar.

I help people reconnect to their true selves.

No title, degree, or list of accomplishments encompasses all that we are, personally or professionally. In addition to my work as a therapist–in which I create space for others to reconnect to their true selves–I am a thinker, feeler, dreamer, creative and highly sensitive soul.

I found my way to this work as many practitioners do, through my own recovery from mental health struggles and a desire to help others transmute their suffering. Even on my darkest days, something in me was always oriented towards the possibility of a more hopeful future. This entailed a return to graduate school (after a previous career in the art world) to pursue a Master’s degree in social work. While the arts remain an important part of my life, I knew I wanted to work more directly in the service of others.

After graduating with my MSW, I returned to my native Philadelphia and worked as a clinical social worker in oncology care, community mental health, substance use treatment, primary care, and now as a therapist in private practice. Throughout this time I also became certified to teach yoga and trained in various therapeutic modalities.

I founded Home Body Therapy to help other people come home to themselves—whatever that might mean for them.
I myself have been a client of many types of practitioners in different settings. While I took something from each of these experiences, my healing accelerated and transformed when I opened up to the therapeutic potential of psychedelics. I have witnessed, both for myself and others, how both plant medicines and synthetic compounds can catalyze therapeutic work when used intentionally.

I went on to train in Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy and am thrilled to be amongst a growing community of practitioners offering this method in Philadelphia.

It is my greatest honor to support clients as they explore how various life experiences shaped their relationship to themselves, to others, and the world around them, and as they develop new behaviors and ways of relating. Clients find in me a compassionate, non-judgmental presence and a genuine hope for individual and collective healing.
