We Save Farm Animals
(Deutsche Version ist weiter unten)
Our association ‘Lebenshilfe Kuh & Co. eV’ was founded in 2016.
We are committed to the poor husbandry of farm animals, factory farming and animal transport.
In events and campaigns, we point out abuses in dealing with ‘farm animals’ and clarify the connections between agricultural industry, factory farming and consumer behavior.
We also provide information about the consequential damage caused by intensive husbandry, e.g. B. the increasing nitrate pollution of the groundwater by liquid manure and the increase of multi-resistant germs due to the massive use of antibiotics in the stables.
We have saved a small herd of farm animals from the butcher and enable them to have a secure life with good care and grazing.
Our herd of cattle is symbolic: through information about the life stories of our animals, which would all be dead under ‘normal circumstances’, we want to draw attention to the fate of millions of animals who suffer from unspeakable conditions and die miserably.
Our association is financed by membership fees, sponsorships and donations. We are looking for people with heart and mind who are willing to donate or sponsor our animals. We also welcome new members who are interested in practical animal welfare work in the sense of Lebenshilfe Kuh & Co.
Our dear little herd, lives mainly from sponsorships. If one or more animals touch your heart, then you can adopt a sponsorship. You are completely free to choose the amount of your monthly sponsorship contribution.
From experience, we find it better if you choose an amount that does not overwhelm you. The animals usually have several godparents. We think that’s a good thing because it’s safer than if there was just one sponsor. Because, every dear godfather can sometimes “fail”, for whatever reason.
Safety counts, for you, for the animals and for us. We also think it’s great when the largest possible number of active animal rights activists, eye openers and multipliers come together. Because, after all, we want to improve the world of animals sustainably.
Jeder which a pet has what costs do this regularly and can also run up unexpectedly.
In addition, we always need extras for our animals, such as:
– veterinary costs
– Salt licks
– or soon a scrub brush that you can brush yourself with and the like …
We are very happy about a donation.
U ur donation account:
IBAN: DE08 6924 0075 0300 5451 00
Commerzbank Singen
You can also send us a donation via PayPal. It should be noted that PayPal withholds between 2-5% of the donation for the transfer service.
So if you want to send the entire donation amount to the animals, please transfer it directly to the above-mentioned association account.
As we are non-profit, donations are generally confirmed by donation receipts.
We issue donation receipts from an amount of 200 € . Under this you can claim your donations from the tax office via bank statements. This is recognized by the tax office. So that we can send the donation receipt, please always send us a postal address or email address
We want to spend the money from our animal sponsors mainly on the regular maintenance of the animals. We tend to pay for extras and the unexpected from donations.
Thank you in advance. We’ll say that here as a precaution. We would much rather get to know you personally.
Be free and ask questions if you want to know more about our work or animal welfare. We look forward to you.
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Unser Verein ‘Lebenshilfe Kuh & Co. e.V.’ wurde 2016 gegründet.
Wir engagieren uns gegen schlechte Haltung von Nutztieren, Massentierhaltung und Tiertransporte.
In Veranstaltungen und Aktionen weisen wir auf Missstände im Umgang mit ‘Nutztieren’ hin und klären über die Zusammenhänge zwischen Agrarindustrie, Massentierhaltung und Konsumverhalten auf.
Auch informieren wir über die Folgeschäden der Intensivhaltung, z. B. die steigende Nitratbelastung des Grundwassers durch Gülle und die Zunahme multiresistenter Keime durch den massiven Einsatz von Antibiotika in den Ställen.
Wir haben einen kleinen Bestand von Nutztieren vor dem Schlachter gerettet und ermöglichen ihnen ein gesichertes Leben mit guter Versorgung und Weidegang.
Unsere Rinderherde hat Symbolcharakter: Durch Informationen über die Lebensgeschichten unserer Tiere, die unter ‘normalen Umständen’ alle tot wären, wollen wir auf das Schicksal von Millionen Tieren aufmerksam machen, die unter unsäglichen Bedingungen leiden und elend sterben.