Results For Different Farm Animals Listings

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Where Pigs Fly Farm Sanctuary

Where Pigs Fly Farm Sanctuary provides care and shelter to farmed animals in need. Set on 100 acres

cat-icon 194 Murrays Run Rd, Laguna NSW 2325, Australia

Lebenshof Fides | Sanctuary

Wenn Sie eine Landwirtschaft besitzen, die sie uns in welcher Form auch immer ueberlassen koennten o

cat-icon Großwilfersdorf 8263, Großwilfersdorf, Austria

North Mountain Animal Sanctuary

North Mountain Animal Sanctuary works to provide care, comfort, and rehabilitation to abused, unwant

cat-icon Annapolis Valley, Annapolis, Subd. B, Nova Scotia, Canada

Rescue And Sanctuary for Threatened Animals

A forever home to rescued farm animals on Vancouver Island, BC

cat-icon 9233 Chemainus Road, Chemainus, B.C., Canada

Wishing Well Sanctuary

An oasis of discovery and development, repose, and renewal, our Wishing Well Sanctuary is a centre f

cat-icon 2710 10th Line, Bradford, ON, Canada

Big Sky Ranch Animal Sanctuary

We rehabilitate abused or injured animals, as well as take in any unwanted animal. The Sanctuary pro

cat-icon Campbellville, Milton, Ontario, Canada

Fields of Freedom Animal Sanctuary

We believe in a world where animals can live free from suffering and abuse.

cat-icon Espe, Denmark

Peanuts Wellbeing Sanctuary

Wellbeing & breaking the cycle of abuse

cat-icon 702 Goulburn Road, Mount Fairy NSW 2580, Australia

Freedom Hill Sanctuary

Helping create a better world for farm animals

cat-icon Chaunceys Line Rd, Brinkley SA 5253, Australia

Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary

We rescue and provide sanctuary to animals in need.

cat-icon 81 Bridies Ln, Lancefield VIC 3435, Australia

Brightside Farm Sanctuary

We educate, advocate and campaign for farm and companion animals.

cat-icon Cygnet TAS, Australia

Farm Animal Rescue

Farm Animal Rescue is a place of refuge for animals that have been freed from abusive situations and

cat-icon 1713 Dayboro Road, Dayboro QLD 4521, Australia

Little Oak Sanctuary


Little Oak Sanctuary is an amazing organisation that does wonderful work with rescued farm anim...

cat-icon 7778 Kings Highway, Manar NSW, Australia

Gnadenhof Lehnitz & Wildtierrettung Notkleintiere e.V. | Sanctuary

Gnadenhof für Tiere mit Handicap mit verschiedenen Pflegestellen Fundtiere - ausgesetztes Tier - Fu

Tier Refugium Wegberg e.V. | Sanctuary

Wir sind ein Tierschutzverein, Lebenshof und Wildtierhilfe.

cat-icon Rather Strasse 134, 41844 Wegberg, Germany

Land der Tiere & Stiftung Tiernothilfe | Sanctuary

Lebensort für gerettete Tiere und veganes Tierschutzzentrum

cat-icon Am Lehmberg 3, 19260 Vellahn, Germany

Erdlingshof | Sanctuary

Wir sind alle “Erdlinge” (Erdenbewohner) und haben alle das Streben, Freude zu erlangen und zu leben

Tierschutzgemeinschaft Stellichte e.V. | Sanctuary

Wir Menschen des Hofes haben uns dem Schutz und dem Erhalt der Würde eines jeden Wesens verschrieben