Rüsselheim e. V.

Rüsselheim e. V. currently offers around 1500 animals safe places to live

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Gnadenhof in Rüsselheim

(Deutsche Version weiter unten)

Welcome to Rüsselheim e. V.

Currently about 2000 animals live under the protection of Rüsselheim e. V. Pigs, cattle, sheep, goats, ponies and small animals belong to the Rüsselheim family.

All were saved from unworthy circumstances or from battle death.

Enabling so-called “farm animals” a safe, happy life – that is our vision.

Our work

Rüsselsheim eV is a non-profit organization , which was founded in 2009.

The team from Rüsselheim e. V. has made it its business to save animals and to create a safe place for them to live. Our special focus is on the so-called “farm animals “, which would never have a chance of a dignified life in industrial animal husbandry. These animals have no lobby whatsoever and are exploited, tortured and killed billions of times.

Currently about 2000 animals live under the protection of Rüsselheim e. V. Pigs, cattle, sheep, goats , former slaughter ponies and a number of small animals that have been torn away from use and exploitation such as chickens, geese, ducks and rabbits have a life in our Germany-wide care places and some smaller private care centers without the disregard common in the slaughter and dairy industry Disrespectful found.

​They are the few who have a naturally long life with qualified farmers and we are working to ensure that at some point all animals are seen as equal living beings that are allowed to live unused and unused in a species-appropriate environment among their own species and friends. At the same time , we offer farmers who are ready to rethink and escape the meat-producing industry a regular and non-violent income by being able to care for our animals for life.

2 mast systems have already been converted into farms of life.

Places where animals were once seen only as goods and “slaughter cattle” are now places where animals can lead a protected and happy life and people can meet these wonderful animals.

Even educational work is a part of the work of Ruesselsheim e. V.

Through the stories of the rescued animals, we want to show the cruelties animals are exposed to every day in our society and motivate people to rethink. Behind every “animal product” that we encounter in the supermarket there was once a loving, loving creature.

​If you also have a heart for animals and would like to get involved with us against their suffering, we cordially invite you to actively contribute to our goal as a sponsor or sponsoring member.

The cattle

Every Cow is unique!

Currently over 750 Cows are under the protection of Rüsselheim. They live in different foster homes all over Germany.

Many of our Cows have escaped certain slaughter and some come from poor husbandry conditions. We also rescued some pregnant cows that were allowed to give birth to their children in safety and freedom.

Some of our Cows have even made it into the press through their courageous escape actions from the slaughterhouse or their particularly sad fate.

The Pigs

Every pig is adorable

Around 550 pigs are currently under the protection of Rüsselheim. They live in 5 foster homes in Germany. These are mini pigs and so-called “fattening pigs”. We saved most of them from imminent battle death, some also come from poor husbandry conditions.

More animals

Every animal has a right to life!

We don’t look the other way when an animal is in need. So not only pigs, cattle and sheep are under the protection of Rüsselheim but also goats, equidae and small animals.

Today we would like to ask you for help for 4 Highland-Galloway weaners. These 4, possibly even 5, were recently separated from their mothers. Their father went to the slaughter before them and they were chosen as victims for the Muslim Festival of Sacrifice. Each of them costs € 400, the transport could almost equal the total price for 3-4 animals.

Sponsorships of 120 € per month are essential in order to be able to make the release for each animal. Please help us to save them from their terrible fate!

Sponsorships are already possible from 5 € per month and save LIFE.

One-time donations to bridge the missing sponsorships also help us a lot.

​THANK YOU for being there! ❤️

Saving animals together

In order to be able to help other animals, we need your help! Many of our protégés urgently need sponsorships! Please support us in our work and help save the lives of these animals!


A sponsorship is particularly valuable, with which you contribute monthly to the running costs and, above all, care costs of the animals.

The following is an overview of the amounts for a full sponsorship per month and animal:

Cow: € 120

Pony / donkey / mules: 150 €

Pig: 78 €

Rabbit: € 49

Sheep / goat: 29 €

Hen / goose / duck: € 25

Cat: 69 €

Dog: 79 €

Partial sponsorships are possible from a monthly amount of € 5.00 . If an animal does not yet have a sponsorship (and therefore does not yet have a name), the first sponsor may assign the name.

The sponsorship can be terminated at any time by email or post. You can also give away a sponsorship.

A wonderful gift for people who care about animals. As a thank you, you will receive a wonderful sponsorship certificate with a photo of your protégé and you can visit your sponsored animal or animals in other foster homes at our regular patent meetings.

Deutsche Version:

Gnadenhof in Rüsselheim


Rüsselheim  e.V.   ist   ein   gemeinnütziger   Verein,  der   2009  gegründet   wurde.

Das Team von Rüsselheim e. V. hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Tiere zu retten und ihnen einen sicheren Ort zum Leben zu schaffen. Unser besonderes Augenmerk liegt hierbei insbesondere auf den sogenannten “Nutztieren”, welche in der industriellen Tierhaltung niemals eine Chance auf ein würdevolles Leben hätten. Diese Tiere haben keinerlei Lobby und werden milliardenfach ausgebeutet, gequält und getötet.

Aktuell leben ca 2000 Tiere unter dem Schutz von Rüsselheim e. V.

Schweine, Rinder, Schafe, Ziegen, ehemalige Schlachtponys sowie etliche der Nutzung und Ausbeutung entrissene Kleintiere wie Hühner, Gänse, Enten und Kaninchen haben auf unseren deutschlandweiten Pflegeplätzen sowie einigen kleineren privaten Pflegestellen ein Leben ohne die in der Schlacht- und Milchindustrie übliche Missachtung und Despektierlichkeit gefunden.

Sie sind die Wenigen, die ein natürlich langes Leben bei qualifizierten Landwirten haben und wir arbeiten daran, dass irgendwann alle Tiere als gleichwertige Lebewesen gesehen werden, die ungenutzt und unbenutzt in artgerechtem Ambiente unter Artgenossen und Freunden leben dürfen. Gleichzeitig bieten wir den Landwirten, die bereit sind umzudenken und der fleischproduzierenden Industrie zu entkommen ein regelmäßiges und gewaltfreies Einkommen, indem sie unsere Tiere auf Lebenszeit versorgen können.

2 Mastanlagen wurden so schon zu Lebenshöfen umgewandelt.
Orte, an denen Tiere ehemals nur als Ware und “Schlachtvieh” gesehen worden waren, sind nun Orte, an denen die Tiere ein beschütztes und glückliches Leben führen und Menschen diesen wunderbaren Tieren begegnen können.

Auch Aufklärungsarbeit ist ein Teil der Arbeit von Rüsselheim e. V.

Durch die Geschichten der geretteten Tiere möchten wir zeigen, welchen Grausamkeiten Tiere in unserer Gesellschaft tagtäglich ausgesetzt sind und die Menschen zum Umdenken motivieren. Hinter jedem “tierischen Produkt”, welches uns im Supermarkt begegnet, stand einst ein fühlendes, liebenswertes Lebewesen.

Falls Sie ebenfalls ein Herz für Tiere haben und sich gemeinsam mit uns gegen deren Leiden engagieren möchten, laden wir Sie herzlich ein, mit aktivem Engagement, als Pate/Patin oder Fördermitglied an unserem Ziel mitzuwirken.
