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Vegan Instant Smoothie Pack

Whole body health is not about strange supplements, crazy diets and unsustainable regimes. Our bodies thrive on real, natural foods. Our mission is to help you feel your best, by harnessing the ancient power of fruit & veg in a way that fits into your modern life.

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Naturally Powerful

Our rainbow of doctor and nutritionist approved blends support your full body health through real, natural foods.

Kinder on the planet

Our packaging protects your shakes, helping you waste less. Our prepaid recycling scheme protects our planet.


Business for Good

We do things differently to big food, in every way. Our products are clean, and we want our business to be too. Acting in a sustainable way is at the heart of FOGA’s mission and purpose. Here’s how we’re different to the big bad boys.

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Our circular recycling programme prevents our packaging from ending up in landfill, which unfortunately is where most compostable packaging options end up. We provide a pre-paid envelope to return your empties. We then recycle them with our partner, Terracycle.


Through our partnership with OneTreePlanted we’ve planted 10,000 trees in the last year. That’s enough trees to offset a business 10 times our size! OneTreePlanted focus on areas of the world most affected by deforestation – such as Australia, the Amazon Rainforest and India.


Plantshakes can be stored without refrigeration for up to 12 months, meaning they don’t require additional energy.They are lightweight, and don’t take up much room so can be shipped using existing delivery networks.


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We have rigorous standards with our suppliers. 98% of the ingredients we source are from Organic farmers, which means less pesticide pollution, healthier soils, and more nutritious produce. With 60 years of farmable soil left, supporting ethical, organic farmers who work with nature, is one of the most sustainable impacts we can have on our food system.


Our packs have 30x less plastic than a regular smoothie served in a plastic bottle. As soon as we can find a plastic free material that preserves the nutrition and can be widely composted, we’ll use it.


Food waste is a huge problem – if it were a country it would be the 3rd largest emitter of green house gases. In the UK 7m tonnes of food waste is generated by households. That’s you and me throwing away brown bananas and mushy spinach.


Lightweight, low volume packs make distribution a breeze compared with heavy, refrigerated smoothies & fresh produce, helping to reduce the impact of our deliveries.

Rich in Nutrients


Our freeze drying methodology protects the fibre, vitamins and micronutrients of harvest fresh produce, giving you all the goodness.

Fresher than Fresh

From the moment it is picked, fruit & veg start to lose nutrients to oxidation. In the days and weeks between harvest & shop shelf, the decline can be significant. Freeze drying stops oxidation in its tracks, meaning you get all the health benefits you should helping you feel better and waste less.
Preserves Nutrition

Harvested at peak ripeness and immediately flash frozen to lock in the nutrients. The gentle drying retains vitamins, fibre & micronutrients.

Reduces Waste

By removing the water, organic produce can last for many months without refrigeration. Adding water brings it to life when needed.

Frees up your Freezer

Each little FOGA pouch contains up to 200g of fresh produce and can be kept in a drawer, on your shelf, even in your bag. Your freezer just got way bigger!

Free from additives

There are lots of ways to powder fruit & veg, but many of them require additives, preservatives and fillers. No additives or chemicals are used in freeze drying so you get super clean, organic powders and nothing else.

How, exactly, does this work.

Remember the word sublimation from GCSE science? That’s what’s at work here. Fruits & veggies, picked at peak ripeness, are flash frozen immediately. They’re then put into a vacuum chamber, where the air pressure is reduced and the temperature slowly raised. This combination causes the frozen water to evaporate straight out (without turning to liquid first) and preserving all the goodness that nature provided. When you add liquid later, it revives the produce to fresh.

Deep Freeze

Plants are cryogenically frozen (-30°C) as soon after harvest as possible to lock in the nutrition.

Drop the Pressure

The produce goes into a vacuum chamber, dropping the pressure and gently drying them out.

Cold Grind

The dried fruits & veggies are gently ground into a powder ready to be revived when you need.
