
Vegan Directory

of Businesses, Accommodations, Farm Animal Sanctuaries,
Healthcare, Movies and more

Vegan Directory for Vegans and Non-Vegans

This is the biggest worldwide vegan directory with more than 1,000 non-restaurant vegan listings approved by us.


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Here are all our categories with an excerpt of 3 listings each:

Vegan Shop/Service/Business

Farm Animal Sanctuaries

mapMarkerGrey New Pitsligo, Fraserburgh AB43...

Sneha’s Care

Protecting community dogs and animals from all forms of abuse.

mapMarkerGrey Bhaisepati, Karyabinayak, Lali...

Vegan BnB (B&B) and Accommodations

Fruit Haven Ecovillage Ecuador

Fruit based permaculture vegan eco village community in Ecuador

mapMarkerGrey Chuchumbleza...
mapMarkerGrey La Croix Barnabé, Vire-Normand...

Vegan Homestay near Newcastle-upon-Tyne,

Stay with us in our vegan home in North East England

mapMarkerGrey Chopwell, Newcastle upon Tyne,...

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