Results For intentional Community Listings

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cat-icon W South St, Montour Falls, New York, USA



My daughter and I relocated for safety reasons in 2016. We are now in Monterrey where she is fi...

cat-icon El Cóndor, Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico

Vegan Visons

Learning Center and Community in formation

cat-icon Huntsville, Arkansas, United States


Regenerative Food | Wellness | Plant based Food | Planet Over Profit | Teal Organisation

cat-icon 298, Taru Chaya Nagar,Jaipur Rajasthan 302017. INDIA


Fruitarian community, eco-village, and fruit forest in Costa-Rica

cat-icon no name 7304 Cahuita, Limón Province, Costa Rica

Asante Gardens

Permaculture farm and Intentional community on the Big Island of Hawaii

cat-icon Puna district hawai


neotropical fruit forest community

cat-icon Talag, Tena 150157, Ecuador
cat-icon La Croix Barnabé, Vire-Normandie, France

Fruit Haven Ecovillage Ecuador

Fruit based permaculture vegan eco village community in Ecuador

cat-icon Chuchumbleza